Fruit and Vegetable Box Subscription

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Fruit and Vegetable Box Subscription

from CA$40.00 every week
  • Small Box (1-2 people) $40

  • Large Box (3-4 people) $80

Stay tuned for our full online store, launching in 2021, where you will be able to order individual fruits and vegetables and include all your dry goods, meats, pantry staples, and other special Earth Candy foods.

New as of December 1:
Delivery to anywhere on Salt Spring for $5

New as of February 1:
The box is now a SUBSCRIPTION product! Save time ordering each week by signing up for a continuous box subscription. You will be charged on a weekly basis. Login to your customer account page to change, stop, restart, or adjust your subscription, at any time. If you have any questions about this, please
email us!

Box Size:

What: Fresh fruit and vegetables, all organic and as local as possible. Box comes in two sizes: small to feed 1-2 people and large to feed a family of 3-4 people. We have plans to launch a full online store in 2021, but currently we cannot prepare custom boxes… however, we will accommodate a few special requests, such as “no bananas” or “any herb except cilantro“. Our produce comes from our own farm, organic farms on Salt Spring and in the lower mainland, and from an organic wholesaler who sources from fair trade farms in places such as California and Mexico.

When: Choose to pick up at our Saturday market or have a no-contact pickup at the farm gate. You may choose to have your box delivered anywhere on Salt Spring for a $5 fee. Boxes are ready at 10am on Saturday and you are welcome to shop for a few extra items and your dry goods when you come to pick up the box.

Why: Online sales are a convenient and safe way that we can meet our community’s need for healthy and affordable food. If you are concerned about going out in public and wish to avoid shopping in a store, this is a great option! In addition, we believe that purchasing produce in a box format, as opposed to choosing individual items, supports organic agriculture on deep level by allowing producers to move their freshest and most abundant products in a timely manner. It’s also a fun way to cut down on your shopping time and get creative with your meals. Plus, our limited parking lot thanks you for a quick sale!

How: Visit our website, order your box, and prepay online. Orders must be in by Friday night. We will not have extra boxes available on Saturday so please purchase online, in advance. When you come to pick up we will have a table assigned with all the boxes and a name on each.

Pricing: Boxes are $40 for the small and $80 for the large.